Like a pro
Keeping a grip at yourself when attacked in public? In an authentic and powerful way? A personal leadership programme based on behavioural psychology can train you in this. Sounds too good to be true, right? I got the feedback last week. Not for the first time, but for the umpteenth time. A participant, who went through this particular personal leadership programme just a month ago, was savagely attacked by a student in a packed lecture hall. ‘You don’t trust us students. You are black and white. You are creating an unsafe learning environment. I am not the only one who thinks this. I am speaking on behalf of a lot of students who are afraid to share this.’ Mucksmäuschenstill, you would say in German. Miceslient.
The person under attack is the head teacher of the programme and remains – in the terminology of the personal leadership programme – in exploration mode. This means that the person, even when under pressure, is able to keep exploring for solutions that everyone can move forward with. This is how it happened, without at any point having to take power. Like a pro.
Reflecting on it, the teacher says he was positively surprised by his reaction. Not too long ago, this person had reacted according to the motto ‘attacking is the best defence’. However, this strategy was proving to be less and less effective. Moreover, it was often at the expense of relationships and, increasingly, his well-being. To break this pattern, the teacher decided to participate in the leadership programme with the biggest challenge: learning to anticipate the controller in him. The controller is one of the nine saboteurs that can influence our behaviour and our interaction with our environment. People in whom the controller is dominant, for example, have the need to continuously control situations and people’s actions to their own ends. This could have happened to him again in the situation shown above. With the possible consequence of putting himself out of control. However, the hard work was immediately rewarded. He was fully balanced by no longer allowing himself to be played by his saboteur.
He found the leadership programme to be intense. Working on yourself is obviously hard work. Expressed in time, however, it’s not so bad. Only 15 minutes a day for six weeks. Once a week a substantive deepening on a specific topic. And once a week a one-hour online supervision. A total of just under 23 hours.
Just under 23 hours spread over six weeks of training to keep a grip on situations like this for good, as well as on goals, changes, issues wellbeing and relationship. Like a pro. Who wouldn’t want this? Because when you know how to anticipate your saboteurs, you make more conscious and better choices. Curious about the programme? Find more information here. Then contact us to already map out your saboteurs. You can follow the programme individually or as a group. The next group will start after the summer holidays. By the way, the first two weeks of the programme are without obligation.