Breaking through

Keep adapting. It’s easier said than done. However, if you cannot respond effectively to change, you will experience more and more tension over time: within yourself, or with others. Escaping the situation becomes increasingly difficult.

Coaching can help you break through the status quo, as for example in the case of an executive who managed three divisions and was struggling with increasing resistance. Going through the following five steps helped her to look at her own reality from a helicopter perspective and explore and transform action alternatives.


personal leadership

5 steps

Leading with ease. The repertoire of someone who keeps going without lossing his anchors. Within five coaching sessions, the executive with the challenge as outlined above, was able to master this repertoire and turn resistance into forward momentum.

1. Exploring Which topics are dominant? Analyse of your current situation by means of a force field. This provides insight into which subjects, people and situations are currently giving and/or costing you energy. Then formulation of a goal you want to work on. In the case study, the manager’s goal was to learn how to deal with resistance and create support for course she envisaged, respectively.

2. Navigating Which experiences have shaped you? Using a timeline, your significant experiences are mapped out in a first step. In a second step, these are highlighted with the aim of highlighting resources, preferences, stresses and patterns that move or hinder you.

3. Innovating How to keep moving? Leading is an interplay of sending and receiving and often takes place on the basis of home-made strategies, which at some point no longer, or prove insufficiently, effective. Together – partly based on a personality analysis – we look for issues and behavioural patterns that need to be fine-tuned in order to move smoothly again, respectively how the manager can create more space for herself and others, creating a broader perspective for her and for everyone involved.

On the go

4. Activating What concrete steps need to be taken now? Translating the personal leadership model into concrete actions. What should you keep doing, what could you do more, what less, so that you are authentic in all situations. Above all, fuelling ‘curiosity’ was the conclusion in the case study. Ask more questions, and share more with her supporters what concerns her as a manager.

5. Reviewing Mid-term reflection on the steps already taken and possible gaps you have encountered. What are the challenges, which resources could be used better? What gives confidence to maintain this course? Where might adjustments need to be made? On which saboteurs you need to keep an eye on?

By coaching in a structured way using concrete situations and learning to respond to what affected her and her divisions, instead of doing what is proper and expected in a managerial position, the manager unfolded during the coaching into an attractive interlocutor who was able to forge unity from the divisions.

Faster together

Coaching works. Sometimes, however, more than an individual effort is needed, or time is precious. Team-coaching can provide valuable insights in a short time, as evidences proves, for instance, in the cases of teams en organisation suffering from underperformance, low delivery reliability or excessive absenteeism.

Would you like to start looking, individually or in a team, for answers to questions that have (long) plagued you? Get in touch via the form below and book your first coaching session with no obligation.

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